Since inception in 2011, the HR Leadership Summit has gained an outstanding reputation for presenting, year after year,  an line-up of exceptional speakers – inspiring CHROs, influential HRM trailblazers, maverick forward-thinkers and visionary industry experts. Learn from those who are harnessing the power of  people centricity and organizational design to definitely change the rules of the business, societal and human game, well beyond the conventional spheres.

13:00 – 13:30


Guests are welcome to join from 13:00 onwards. Once you have got your badge, enjoy a drink and meet + connect with peers before the Summit starts.

This will also be the opportunity to review the program and select the sessions you find the most appealing to you.

13:30 – 15:00


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Through a plenary set up, a first selection of keynote speakers will set the scenes of the Summit 2024 with a practical and enlightening tone.

Keynote speakers and panelists will share their respective views on what HR Leaders should operate today, and which HR assets should be optimized to generate immediate value. They will also challenge how to build critical new skills and digital capabilities outside the conventional spheres. Moreover, they will envision where to go on the offensive to ignite workforce engagement, boost productivity, foster agility and amplify employee experience.

Keynote 1

Anticipate trends, set direction, go on the offensive – the new HR world and realities

Never before has the geo-political, economical and societal environment created so many challenges -and opportunities as well- for CHROs and their teams to drastically reconsider the HR operating model, and respond to drastic new user expectations, societal changes and business imperatives.

This panel will dig into the minds of the new generation of HR leaders to explore where to go on the offensive to face new people, technology and societal realities.

Panelists: JAINA FERNANDEZ, HR Director/HRBP Lead, Euroclear; NewGen HR Leader of the Year 2024 | VALERIE GONDRY, Head of Strategy & Business Development & former Head of HR Change, ZF Group | OLIVIA DE WIT, Global Strategic HR Business Partner, Solvay | NewGen HR Leader of the Year 2023

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Keynote 2

Empowering productivity, enhance well-being, amplify experience: AI at Work !   

One of the most prominent technology for enhancing employee productivity and experience is clearly artificial intelligence. This keynote will bring you to the very practical heart of AI and demonstrate how HR departments can free up their employees’ time and creativity to focus on the most critical aspects of their jobs. Be ready for an exploratory journey on how to empower teams and elevate synergies; enhance collaboration and learning with AI-powered social networks; transform talent strategy through seamless recruitment and dynamic talent management; maximize efficiency with existing embedded AI tools (e.g. in Microsoft Office); among others.

Keynote speakers: GERALDINE YUNG , Head of Leadership Learning & Development, UCB; HR One to Watch of the Year 2023 | ANTHONY HUYGHEBAERT, Chief HR Officer, Barco | MARIE VANDENBERGHE, Chief Executive Officer, Quality Training

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Keynote 3

Employee Experience in 2024: reaching new levels through technology and employee listening

Successfully onboarding new talents after an acquisition, a merge or an organizational transformation often makes people and businesses thrive. This session, highlighted by the case of Accenture Belux, will highlight how to optimally manage the employee experience (EX) thanks to advanced HR technology combined with a unique continuous listening system.

Keynote speakers: ANNE SELIS, Talent Strategy Lead, Accenture Belux; and KATARINA COPPÉ, Chief Commercial Officer, Welliba

15:00 – 16:30


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Every year, the program of the HR Leadership Summit includes a series of top-level Master Classes that deliver both strategic insight and critical nuance on emerging trends, new technologies, inspiring cases, etc.

Held in 3 streams of parallel sessions and in partnership with leading providers, Master classes combine vision, expertise and guidance in an easily digestible and time-convenient format.

Explore the program below and select the master classes of your choice!

Stream 1  || 15:00 – 15:30  ||  Master Class MC1.1  ||  Organized with Deloitte & Borealis

Social Compliance: HR versus 3rd party risk management

Companies no longer run their business with solely their own staff. Many external people, such as freelancers and temporary workers, have now a permanent place within the organization. In addition, companies increasingly call on service providers for support activities and due to the scarcity on the labor market, these service providers in turn call on Belgian or non-Belgian subcontractors with foreign or foreign staff. Collaboration with third parties is associated with many risks and challenges, both in the legal and the HR field. Highlighted by the case of Borealis, this master class will explore how to ensure continuity, monitor quality, and maintain the corporate culture when collaborating with people who are not your employees.

Masters: BRUNO DE HEMPTINNE, Social Compliance Manager, Borealis | STIJN DEMEESTERE, Partner,  Deloitte Legal

Stream 1  || 15:00 – 15:30  ||  Master Class MC1.2  ||  Organized with Securex

Navigating the dynamic arena of HR-outsourcing

Whether you need to make your payroll administration more professional, replace a long or a short leave of absence in your team, bring in HR expertise a few days per month into your organisation, or to simply check if the current processes respect the legal obligations, outsourcing has gained significant and valuable grounds in the last years, and the trend will undoubtedly to amplify in the next decade.

This master class will examine several critical points to consider when engaging the HR outsourcing journey, including: Outsourcing: what’s in a name; Why do we need to integrate external workforce in 2024; How to apply the right navigation rules; When is outsouring the right solution or not; among others.

Master: CAROLINE DE BAETS, Head of Outsourcing Solutions, Securex

Stream 2  ||  15:30 – 16:00  ||  Master Class MC2.1  ||  Organized with Deloitte

Gen Z & Millennials: the importance of dialogue between employers and the youngest generations

The 12th edition of Deloitte’s Gen Z and Millennial Survey looks back to see how the last years have impacted these generations and finds that while they acknowledge some positive change, they remain concerned about their futures. Gen Zs and millennials recognize progress but are expecting business and their leaders to do more in areas such as flexibility, mental wellbeing, sustainability. Most of all: they want to be included in the conversations. This master class will explore how employers and leaders can maintain the progress they’ve made and enter in dialogue with the youngest generations of the workforce.

Masters: LIESBETH VAN MALDERGHEM, Partner, Deloitte | HELENA VAN LOON, HR Transformation Business Analyst, Deloitte

Stream 2  ||  15:30 – 16:00  ||  Master Class MC2.2  ||  Organized with International Coaching Federation

Key principles of neuroscience every HR Leader should imperatively know

How does human brain work? How do people react to a specific situation? And what really drives rational and emotional behaviors from employees? This session will explore how the application of neuroscience in HR allows organizations to better understand the cognitive processes underlying employee engagement, learning, satisfaction and development. More specifically, it will address: Simplified semiology is backed by over 20 years of neuroscience research and scientific validation | All our behavior is driven by the brain | Behavior is how you think and act | How neuroscience in 2024 can help HR leaders to be more precise and efficient in dealing with employees

Masters: CHANTAL VAN DYCK, Executive Coach and General Secretary at ICF Belgium; and ERIC CHARLES, Executive Coach & Expert in neuro-semantics, and certified ICF coach

Stream 3  ||   16:00 – 16:30  ||  Master Class MC3.1  ||  Organized with Deloitte

Pay equity and transparency: navigating the future of total rewards

Over the last decade, pay equity and transparency have taken both a strategic and a societal importance in the rewards landscape. This master class will deliver a practical roadmap for integrating these concepts into your own rewards strategy, policies, and processes, and highlighted by market practices and practical use cases. Be ready to get actionable insights to help you stay ahead of the curve and navigate the evolving landscape of Total Rewards.

Master: FRANCIS SPILLEBEEN, Director Total Rewards, Deloitte

Stream 3  ||   16:00 – 16:30  ||  Master Class MC3.2  ||  Organized with Partena Professional

Harnessing HR transformation: how to build adaptive organizations for success

Change is not a sporadic occurrence, it is an ongoing reality. To flourish, companies must continuously evolve, innovate, and adjust to the ever-changing market dynamics. This master class will explore how HR functions can serve as catalysts for organizational adaptability. It will include real-world business cases and highlight sseveral best practices specifically tailored for HR teams. By harnessing data-driven insights, optimizing processes and comprehending the ramifications of organizational changes, HR can trully spearhead the transformation of companies into resilient entities capable of thriving amidst uncertainty.

Master: JOANNIE DE MOTÉ, Senior Business Consultant HR Transformation, Partena Professional | YVES STOX, Managing Consultant, Partena Professional.

16:30 – 17:00



17:00 – 19:30


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Guests will come back in plenary set up for a second selection of inspiring keynote speakers and panelists.

Keynote speakers and panelists will share their respective views on what HR Leaders should operate today, and which HR assets should be optimized to generate immediate value. They will also challenge how to build critical new skills and digital capabilities outside the conventional spheres. Moreover, they will envision where to go on the offensive to ignite workforce engagement, boost productivity, foster agility and amplify employee experience.

This second part of the plenary program is organized in VIP roundtables while participants will enjoy a light dinner with a selection of wines.

Keynote 4

The AI workforce is coming, here’s what and how to act today

This talk will outline the AI workforce and the huge transformative impact it will have on traditional employment structures. It will emphasize the urgency of preparing for this shift, highlighting how certain tasks will be entirely automated and necessitating a complete reevaluation of roles and responsibilities within organizations. Furthermore, Nicolas Deruytter will share an exciting breakthrough vision of the AI future filled with untapped opportunities based on a clear vision for change while emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and maintaining the human aspect in the workplace. Get ready to guide your organization into a future where innovation, productivity and human creativity come together!

Keynote speaker: NICOLAS DERUYTTER, Chief Executive Officer, ML6

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Keynote 5

The future of the workforce: high time to reconsider your entire HR mindset ! 

Some thought-provoking and brain-shaking considerations from renowned business schools (Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, INSEAD, IMD…) and HR gurus on how AI, skills  and leadership are reshaping the professional landscape, and what HR Leaders must imperatively reconsider beyond the hype.

Keynote speaker: ALAIN VANDE KERKHOVE, Chief Executive Officer, The ARC Group c/o ARC Research

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Reflection time & Meal 

Roundtable discussions & experience sharing

Enjoy a reflection break to share views with peers at your VIP table, challenge respective views, comment on the last keynotes, share experiences and refine your beliefs while enjoying a light dinner with appetizers and a selection of wines.

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Keynote 6

Exploring the human side of GenAI

Much more than a buzzword, Generative AI brings forth a wide range of new opportunities and implications to enhance the work humans do. But as Gen AI finds its way into work, it also requires a key shift in skills. This keynote talk will demystify the human side of AI and explore the ethical considerations to curb the ‘fear factor’ across the workforce.

Keynote speakers: TOM VERSTRAETE, Director Human Capital, Deloitte | LOTTE VAN DEN BERG, Manager Trustworthy AI, Deloitte

Keynote 7

People and workplace strategies: going on the offensive !

This CHRO keynote panel at the highest level will confront views and experiences on how, when the world is socially, economically and geo-politically going up and down, CHROs should turn such a diverse set of challenges as an outstanding opportunity to go on the offensive in a variety of people, technology and operational initiatives to ignite workforce engagement, foster organizational agility, and grow talents.

Keynote panelists: HENRI GILLARD, Vice President HR, Terumo Europe; CHRO of the Year 2024 | JOELLE BOXUS, Chief People Officer, Syensqo | GEERT AELBRECHT, Chief People & ESG Officer, Besix Group

19:30 – 20:30